Thursday, November 11, 2010

Living Wise!

With the New Year approaching and reminding us of how we have let go of ourselves and the changes that need to be made in our life, here is something to give us a head start in the resolution we know we are going to make; the resolution to finally lose weight. The best way to kick start this is by revamping your eating habits, try these 5 small changes to achieve your nutrition goals.

Eat Breakfast: Even if it is just a bowl of cereal, toast and juice, you need morning fuel to keep you going and to help avoid overeating later in the day.

Choose Fat-Free Instead of Whole Milk: Make the switch gradually, and you won’t even notice a taste difference.

Get Your Grains: Fiber containing whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and pasta, may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies: They are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and fiber. They also work as great substitutes for the high calorie snacks. Aim for 5 to 9 servings a day.

Bake or Broil Meat: Do not fry meat. You won’t sacrifice flavor and you will give-up the added fat and calories.

Good Luck in achieving your weight loss goals. Start with these simple changes and then when you officially start the New Year with an exercise routine, the results will be out of this world and soon you will see the person you want to see in the mirror.

Monday, November 8, 2010

10 Ways to be Beautiful Early Morning

Early morning looks are one of the most common beauty horrors for a women, here are some beauty tips that will help you look beautiful from early on.

Wash Your Face

Make a habit of washing your face a few hours before bed. If you wait until you're tired, you're more likely to blow it off, which will allow the toxins and dirt to stay on your face all night.  At night there's more blood flow to the skin's surface, and there's nothing else on your face to interfere with absorption.

Use:  Neutrogena Deep Clean Relaxing nightly cleanser.

Sleep on Your Back

Lying on your stomach is bad for beauty sleep. The average head weighs 7 to 8 pounds – that is a lot of pressure to put on your face every night. Many dermatologists say they can tell what side of the face a person sleeps on by the number of wrinkles there.

Use a Pillow While Sleeping

Sleep with your head elevated on two pillows, gravity helps lymph and blood flow so fluid won’t accumulate.

Wrinkle-Free Skin

At night you do not have to worry about spending too much money to slather on the richest formula you can. Aquaphor healing ointment works to condition lashes and hydrates the delicate eye skin quite well.

Use: Aquaphor Healing Ointment.

Sneak a Glow

Mix a drop of self-tanner into your night cream or use a cream that contains a little tan-producing DHA.

Use: Clarins Radiance-Plus self-tanning cream.

Avoid Dough Face

To wake up with defined cheekbones, eat a high-protein, low-sugar dinner. Skip the rice, pasta and potatoes, when our diet’s high in glycemic carbohydrates, our features take on a soft, doughy appearance.

Wrap it up

To minimize the morning frizz, sleep on a satin pillowcase or put your hair in a silk scarf. These fabrics are much softer than cotton, so there is less friction.

Manage Your Hair

Pile hair into a twist on the top of your head; use a scrunchie to avoid crimping. In the morning you will have major volume and beautiful waves.

Use Hair Conditioning

Sleep with a moisturizing treatment in damp hair overnight. Any rich conditioner will do, be sure to rinse in the morning.

Use: Phillip B. Katira Hair Masque.

Sleeping Beauty can now wake up even more beautiful!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Winter Skin Care

Our skin is more adaptive to summer than winters. Winter can take a toll on our skin due to lack of oil glands on certain parts of our body which causes them to become dry and itchy. To keep the skin radiant and beautiful during winter, here are a few tips on skincare during winter. With winter now approaching these tips will help you to prepare your skin and show it off when spring and summer finally roll out.

Drink Plenty of Water
  • Provide your skin the extra hydration. Carry a bottle with you when you go out.
  • Tea is also a great option during the colder months.
  •  A nice body scrub can help remove the dead skin from your body, adding this to your routine once a week, will not only make you feel fresh, but your skin will be free from the dirt and grime that you accumulate on a daily basis that does not come off until you exfoliate.
  • Don’t forget to moisturize after exfoliating.
  • An excellent option is to add moisture back to the air.
  • A humidifying system can help your skin to hydrate instead of becoming dry and cracked.
  • Humidifiers are available at your local drug store.
Use an Oil-Based Moisturizer
  • Choose a moisturizer that comes in an ointment form as it contains 80% oil.
  • Creams and lotions may dry out the skin instead of keeping it moisturized and soft.  
  • Just because the summer is over doesn’t mean that you stop using sunscreen. Before you leave the house, apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 15.
  • You can choose a product that combines a sunscreen with a moisturizer. This will protect you from the elements.  
  • Why expose your hands to the cold only to have the moisture sucked out.
  • Choose a good quality pair that does not irritate the skin and will help to keep your hands dry and warm.  
Flax-Seed Oil
  • Although Flax-seed oil does not taste great, but it will help you moisturize your body from the inside.
  • Because it is rich in vital fatty acids, it can do wonders for your overall health. Flaxseed oil is available in oil form as well as in capsule form. 
Bath Oil
  • A good jojoba and almond oil bath will help to relax your body.
  • Nourish your skin by adding a few drops of these oils to your everyday bath water and watch your skin glow with a renewed radiance.  
Say no to Hair Dryers
  • Sadly the hair dryer is not your friend during winter as the hot air dries out your scalp and can irritate your skin as well.
  • Try to go for a tousled look or the wavy style this winter, but do give your blow dryer a much needed brake this winter.  
TLC for Your Lips
  •  Lips have no oil glands, so we are tempted to lick our lips during winter which should be avoided at all costs.
  • Keep a lip balm with you and apply it when you are tempted. 
  • You can also apply olive oil to your lips when you are at home to keep the lips moist. 
Stay Warm and Don't Forget to Moisturize!